Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ray Clapp Trail

Beginning of the Ray Clapp Trail
One morning last week I was in town early with an hour to occupy so I decided to walk up the East End Road bike path and hop onto one of my favorite trails in the area by the Stream Hill Creek subdivision.  I don't get up there very often as it is short and usually I want a little meatier hike, and I always feel a little bit like I'm trespassing.  However, a new sign announcing the Ray Clapp Trail greeted me, so I felt a bit more welcomed that day.

The Ray Clapp Trail is a nice little path in town

A cute little flower garden marks the entrance to the subdivision, which is just over a mile out East End Road on the left.  Just a short ways up the road there is a parking area on the left (to me, a clue that the public is welcome) and beyond that a little bridge marks the start of the trail.  It winds its way through the woods, then begins to climb up and up the ridge through a beautiful birch forest.  Eventually a trail hooks off to the right and connects to the road through the subdivision (which only has about 3 houses built so far). 

Watermelon berries--ripe and ready
I continued up the ridge to where the trail heads out of the trees and becomes massively overgrown.  This particular morning the dew was heavy so my shoes and pants were soon soaked.  Watermelon berries were a great feature of this hike, and I promised myself to come back and pick them.  They taste like watery watermelon, but are a great filler in my smoothies and I figure they've got nutrition in them if they are wild and colorful.

I expected to have the place to myself, but there were a couple of other people out walking with their dogs or kids.  It really ends up being a nice loop walk, up the trail and down the road.  The view is delightful too, particularly on this gorgeous, sunny morning.

View from the Stream Hill Creek subdivision

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