Friday morning dawned like any other snowy morning--there was just a lot more snow than usual, all of which had fallen during the night. Since snow days are non-existent here (volcano days are more common), it wasn't even on Doug's radar as he headed up East End Road. However, when he got to McNeil Canyon School and the plowed road ended, he figured there must not be school. Upon turning on the radio he discovered that was the case, and a call to the superintendent confirmed it.
In 25 years of McNeil Canyon Elementary School's history, they have not once had a snow day. I'm still surprised a foot plus of snow overnight would cancel school for all of Homer plus the Old Believer schools at the end of the road. It wasn't blowing and visibility was fine, but I think that amount of snow maxed out the small squadron of plows (read: dozers and graders).
Now it is Monday night and we have a blizzard warning for tonight, which means winds 25-35 mph and gusts up to 50. We've already had a foot-ish of snow today and shoveled our driveway twice. I think my husband is not happy I talked him into not getting a snowblower! But I would hope he enjoys the workout as much as I do! Ahhhhhh. Fresh air! How invigorating!
I am glad you remember that conversation!
LOVE IT. We lived in Wyoming and never saw a snow day. It was common to get 12-16" overnight and everyone just put on x-county skis or got out the snow machines to get to school and work. lol I just found your email in my junk mail! I will try to write you back tonight. I can't believe it went in there. I will add you to my safe sender list.
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