I thought I had more pictures of the campground, but discovered this is the only one--of Denver eating raspberries on the top of the rock. The kids had great fun playing on this rock for the 5 days we stayed at this campground. There were 4 sites, and the only "service" was a pit toilet (nicer than Michigan pit toilets!!). Ohmer Lake was perfect temperature for swimming and wading (warmer than Thumb Lake, for those of you in the know!), and the kids had fun building "docks" on the pea gravel beach you see behind the rock in this picture. A leech bit Denver one day (I know they don't bite, but it sure hurt him the way he went on), and the kids found a couple others about 4 inches long. They were long and skinny, not like the leeches I've seen in Michigan. Aurora saw a 6-inch fish swim in and eat a 1-inch fish right at her feet while she was playing! We saw 2 loons, and they called to each other all night long, and occasionally during the day too. They were so loud it was startling (and if I say that you know it was loud!). I couldn't quite believe the campground was free since everything in Alaska costs money, and they charge for things that are free in Michigan, like hiking on hiking trails. It was weird to spend 5 days camping and not have to pay a cent, but I wasn't complaining either! The campground didn't have water, so we went to another campground to fill up with water. There were 6 different kinds of berries around the campground, and we picked lots of raspberries which we ate with every meal. Next time we need to bring a canoe and swimsuits, though next time it probably won't be in the 70's and sunny like it was the whole time we were there. It was the best weather of the entire summer!
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