Who ever said empty nesters have more time?! Our kids have flown off to other places, and we are busier than ever. Every two or three months I figure I should get my photos off my phone. In doing that recently, I came across some beautiful ones that I snapped in the course of my walks--just normal "out and about" days in Homer, Alaska with dramatic lighting, interesting perspectives or simple beauty. Enjoy!
The sunlight on these puffs of cloud caught my eye as I was out for a beachwalk |
Then the sun broke through more and a ship came by to vary the scene |
I rarely pick up shells, preferring to enjoy them as I walk the beach. On this day I picked one up, and of course it was broken by time I made it home. I'm glad I took a picture of it |
A fall sunset over a ship that's on the repair beach |
Impressive rivers form as high tide waters rush back out to sea at Bishop's Beach |
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